Ashton Coal Operations Limited
Ashton Coal Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Environmental Monitoring Data
Environmental Management Plans
EPL Monitoring Locations, Ashton Coal
20240229 ACCC February Minutes
Community Support Program
Community Consultative Committee
Community Complaints Register
Yancoal Environment and Community Relations Policy
Yancoal Health & Safety Policy
Environmental Publications
Environmental Management Plans
Environmental Audits
Annual Environmental Management Reports
Environmental Monitoring Data
End of Panel Reports
Extraction Plans / Subsidence Management Plans
LW207B Lemington Road Monitoring and Maintenance Plan
Ravensworth Void 4 Tailings Dam 2021 Annual Dam Safety Report
Ashton Coal 2023 Annual Rehabilitation Report (April 2024)
Ashton Coal 2023-2026 Forward Program (April 2024)
Rav. V4 East Annual Safety Standards Report - March 24
ACOL Rehabilitation Management Plan 2023
Project Environmental Assessments
The Ashton Coal Project EIS
Ashton Coal Project EIS Supporting Information
Modification 1 - EPA Noise Criteria
Modification 2 - Raise Eastern Emplacement Area 2004
Modification 3 - Void 4 tailings emplacement
Modification 4 - Extra Longwall
Modification 5 - South East Open Cut EA
Modification 6 - Bowmans Creek EA
Modification 7 - Underground Mine Gas Drainage and Open Cut Hebden Seam Recovery
Modification 8 - Minor modifications to condition 1.20 to Schedule 2
Modification 9 - Establishment of upcast ventilation shaft above the underground mine
Modification 10 - Central Gas Drainage Plant and Associated Surface Infrastructure
Modification 11 - RUMEx
Ashton EPBC 2022/09208 Preliminary Documentation
Licences & approvals
Project Approval
DA 309-11-2001-i MOD 11 Consolidated Consent
DA 309-11-2001-i MOD 11 Notice of Modification
Mining Authorities
Mining Lease 1533
Mining Lease 1529
Mining Lease 1623
Mining Lease 1696
Mining Lease 1834
Mining Lease 1835
Mining Lease 1836
Mining Lease 1837
Mining Lease 1861
Exploration Licence 4918
Exploration Licence 5860
Tenements Plan
Extraction Plan Approvals
Longwall 1-4 SMP Approvals
Longwall 5-8 SMP Approval
Longwall 7A Variation Approval
Longwall 7B Variation Approval
Longwall/ Miniwall 9 SMP Approval
Longwall 6B Approval
ULD LW 1 - 4 SMP / EP Approval
Extraction Plan ULD LW104 - 107
ULLD LW 201 - 204 Extraction Plan Approval
ULLD LW 205 - 208 Extraction Plan Approval
Environmental Protection Licence
Environmental Protection Licence 11879
Ashton Coal Pollution Reduction Program
Other Licences & Approvals
Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) #1130976
Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) #1131017
Conservation Agreement
EPBC 2022-09208 final decision-notice
Permit to Construct Flood Levies
Permit to Salvage Aboriginal Artefacts #1691
Permit to Work Near Rivers
Ashton Coal Operations Environmental Approvals Register, Nov 2023
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Project Environmental Assessments
Modification 1 - EPA Noise Criteria
Modification 1 - EPA Noise Criteria
Notice of Modification
403 kB | pdf